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Are You Tired Of Your Present Relationship? These Tips Will Help You Conquer Every Challenge In Your Relationship


  • Being in a relationship is good, especially in this present day.  But it is quite disheartening seeing a lot of people languishing in unhealthy relationship.

  • To some people relationship is just for fun and while the serious minded ones see it as the step to a lovable and happy marraige.

  • Have you ever seen any couple who got married without passing through courtship stage, which we literarily call 'Relationship  Stage'?

  • Does it really matter if the couple were matched together by Matchmakers? A working relationship is the one wrapped with 'Happiness', 'Love' and 'Understanding'.

  • There will surely be a time range for both to know more about each other and to be convinced going ahead into marriage, this period is 'Courtship Stage'

  • For a relationship to thrive and stand the test of time, 'Communication' must be active and valid. A relationship that lacks communication is likely to suffer bitterness and may end up in jeopardy.

  • Youths of today need to understand that if they aren't getting it right during courtship, how then will they get it right in marriage.

  • So to avoid violating each other's right, which may later lead to domestic violence after marriage, working on each other's difference during courtship and curtailing every habit that may lead to constant disagreement is very important.

  • There is the need  for you to build a healthy and romantic relationship.

  • You see connecting with someone romantically, emotionally and physically can be really amazing.

  • But there are lots of works that goes into building a good relationship.

  • When you see a couple doing fine in their relationship, it is never a magic, it takes several efforts building that.

  • If they don't work on their relationship you won't see them and wish for a relationship like theirs.

  • It is certain that no relationship is perfect all the time, but don't run under the umbrella of this and neglect your part in building a healthy one.

  • What most people don't understand is that, building a strong and health relationship will definitely attract joy, peace and harmony between the lovers.

  • On a final note, building a great relationship must be a joint effort. Both the man and the woman must not take sides. With commitment and dedication, a healthy Courtship mostly leads to a happy marriage. 

To a love filled relationship
Abidemi Olugbodi Florence 
I help build a healthy and romantic relationship. 

#Getting it right with Floral#
#Floral speaks Relationship#

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